Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Intersection of Church and State

The Intersection of Church & State, a new television special from Lutheran Hour Ministries, premieres September 30, 5 p.m. Eastern,  4 p.m. Central, 3 p.m. Mountain, 2 p.m. Central on Fox Business Channel as paid programming.  Hosted by Speaker of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Gregory Seltz, the hour-long program explores how the First Amendment to the Constitution was crafted both to protect the church and the state and to provide a framework within which the two can work together for the common good.
The Intersection of Church & State features careful scholarship and lively commentary by experts on faith and citizenship. In addition to providing insightful educational content, the program also challenges citizens to stay alert to government activity that affects the institution of the church.
Watch for The Intersection of Church & State on selected networks this fall; for listing details and more information about the program, visit

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