Daily Lectionary
January 23 Noah and the Flood—Gen. 6:5, 13, 17-19; 7:11-12, 16-17, 21-23; 9:1; Matthew 8:14-22
January 24 The Red Sea—Exodus 13:17—14:31; Matthew 8:28-34
January 25 The Conversion of St. Paul: Acts 9:1-22; Matthew 9:9-17
January 26 Israel Crosses the Jordan—Joshua 1:102, 10-11; 3:1-17; Matthew 9:27-38
January 27 Naaman's Leprosy Is Cleansed—2 Kings 5:1-14; Matthew 10:1-16
January 28 Matthew 10:17—11:1
January 29 Look Ahead to Sunday's Readings Jonah 1:1-17; Romans 8:18-23; Matthew 8:23-27
Look forward to Epiphany IV January 29-30, 2011
Jonah 1:1-17: The prophet Jonah is a type of Christ. The raging sea stands for the judgment of God against the sinner. Jonah was called to Ninevah in order that he might bear the sins of the rebellious Ninevites by preaching to them the message of repentance. Jonah is cast into the sea by the sailors to show that one man had to bear the condemnation of God for man's redemption. The waters were quieted when Jonah was cast into the water. In the same way, the true and greater Jonah quieted the wrath of God when He was swallowed up by the jaws of death.
Romans 8:18-23: “Present sufferings” are not only unworthy to be compared with future glory, they also serve the cause of faith in Christ, that we, in our sufferings, might learn to yearn with all of creation for the redemption of our bodies..
Matthew 8:23-27: So often the Christian believes that he or she is saved by the strength of his or her believing. This makes faith a work of ours by which God's salvation is won. This is false. Jesus' stilled the storm when the disciples were “of little faith.” They were in the throws of despair and Jesus still rescued them. This is the Gospel. This miracle teaches us that Jesus is the prophet greater than Jonah who was plunged into the raging sea, in token of the Messiah who needed to be plunged into the sea of God's judgment in order for our salvation to be won. Jesus stilled the storm over which the disciples were utterly powerless, in order to show that He was the fulfillment of Jonah's prophecy. The Absolution of Christ is strong to give us God's peace, because Jesus was plunged into the condemnation that we by our sins deserved. This means that He not only stands with us when the devil assails us with our sin, but also that His very death is our salvation and our peace. Faith is strong to save because Christ is its object. sufficiency of Jesus' saving Word: “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed.” The Word of Christ, the Gospel, is the power of God for salvation to all who believe.