Saturday, July 9, 2011

Daily Readings for July 17-23, 2011

NEXT WEEKS LESSONS: The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

I Kings 19:11-21: The prophet Elijah is shown by the Lord that the Lord's greatest power and glory will be demonstrated in the "still small voice" of His Word that preaches salvation to the poorest and lowliest sinner. So it is for us, in the time of faith, this earthly life, the Lord comes to us in His Word. Unlike Satan, He does not force Himself upon us in an oppressive and coercive way, He speaks to us, calling us to repentance and faith that He might bestow upon us the freedom of life with God through the forgiveness of all our sins.

1 Corinthians 1:18-25: "Christ crucified" is what the true Church of God and her ministers preach. This means that we believe in the God who became man and died for our sins. This means that we preach what is considered "foolish" and a "stumbling block" to the unbelieving world, namely, that salvation is a gift of God's grace alone through the death of His Son for all those who believe without distinction.

Luke 5:1-11: By a great miracle, Jesus called four fisherman to be fishers of men in token that the Gospel must be preached to the four corners of the earth. Peter, on behalf of all ministers, rightly confessed "we have toiled...and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your Word" we will preach the Gospel. This miraculous sign gave Peter a deep sense of his own sinfulness. The minister of the Gospel has no strength apart from the Word he is called to preach. But this Word is all sufficient for the task at hand. "To obtain faith in Christ" the Lutheran reformers declared in the Augsburg Confession, "God instituted the preaching office to give the Gospel and Sacraments. Through these (the Gospel and Sacraments) the Holy Spirit works faith when and where He pleases in those who hear the Gospel." (Augsburg Confession, Art. V)

Readings for the Week of Fourth Sunday after Trinity July 17-23

July 17 “Be Merciful”—Luke 6:36-42, Joshua 6:6-27, Acts 10:18-33
July 18 The Mustard Seed and the Leaven—Luke 13:18-35, Joshua 7:1-26, Acts 10:34-48
July 19 A Man with Dropsy Is Healed on the Sabbath—Luke 14:1-14, Joshua 8:1-28, Acts 11:1-18
July 20 The Parable of the Great Supper—Luke 14:15-35 Joshua 10:1-25, Acts 11:19-30
July 21 The Parable of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin—Luke 15:1-10 Joshua 23:1-16, Acts 12:1-25
July 22 The Parable of the Prodigal Son—Luke 15:11-32 Joshua 24:1-31, Acts 13:1-12
July 23 Sunday’s readings 1 Kings 19:11-21, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, Luke 5:1-11

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