Monday, October 18, 2010

Daily Readings for Octobr 24-30,2010

Daily Readings for Octobr 24-30,2010

October 24 Deut 25:17—26:19; Matt 17:1–13
October 25 Deut 27:1–26; Matt 17:14–27
October 26 Deut 28:1–22; Matt 18:1–20
October 27 Deut 29:1–29; Matt 18:21–35
October 28 (St Simon & St Jude) Deut 30:1–20; Matt 19:1–15
October 29 Deut 31:1–29; Matt 19:16–30
October 30 Deut 31:30—32:27; Matt 20:1–16


Collect: O Lord God, heavenly Father, pour out, we implore You, Your Holy Spirit upon Your faithful people, keep them steadfast in Your grace and truth, protect and comfort them in all temptations, defend them against all enemies of Your Word, and bestow upon Christ's Church Militant Your saving peace; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord . Amen.

Old Testament: Jeremiah 31:31–34
Epistle: Revelation 14:6–7
Holy Gospel: Matthew 11:12–15 or John 8:31–36

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