Daily Lectionary
December 27 St John Isaiah 51:17-52:12; Matthew 2:1-12
December 28 Holy Innocents Isaiah 52:13-54:10; Matthew 2:13-23
December 29 Isaiah 55:1-13; Luke 1:1-25
December 30 Isaiah 58:1-59:3, 14-21; Luke 1:26-38
December 31 Isaiah 60:1-22; Luke 1:39-56
January 1 Circumcision/Name of Jesus Isaiah 61:1-11; Luke 1:57-80
January 2 Isaiah 62:1-12; Luke 2:1-20
Israel and all his family went and dwelt in Egypt (Genesis 46:1–7). God made a great nation of him there. But that nation would prove unfaithful to the Lord. Therefore, the New Israel came. In fleeing from murderous Herod, our young Lord goes to Egypt (Matthew 2:13–23), that the prophecy might be fulfilled, “Out of Egypt I called my Son” (Hosea 11:1). Jesus brings to perfection what old Israel could not. He is the faithful Israel, the embodiment of the people of God. He offers His perfect and holy life in place of our own. He submits Himself to persecution and suffering in order to save us. Therefore, we should not think it strange when we who are in Christ experience trials because of the faith (1 Peter 4:12–19). Rather, we rejoice to share in Christ’s sufferings, knowing that we will also share in His glory.
Lord God, heavenly Father, who from the safety of exile in Egypt called Your Son and brought Him to a home for a while in Nazareth, mercifully keep us from losing our final home by clinging to places along the way, and so bring us to our abiding home with You, Your Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Old Testament: Genesis 46:1–7 [Jacob’s journey to Egypt]
Epistle: 1 Peter 4:12–19 [Partakers of Christ’s sufferings]
Holy Gospel: Matthew 2:13–23 [Flight to Egypt]
Lord God, heavenly Father, who from the safety of exile in Egypt called Your Son and brought Him to a home for a while in Nazareth, mercifully keep us from losing our final home by clinging to places along the way, and so bring us to our abiding home with You, Your Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Old Testament: Genesis 46:1–7 [Jacob’s journey to Egypt]
Epistle: 1 Peter 4:12–19 [Partakers of Christ’s sufferings]
Holy Gospel: Matthew 2:13–23 [Flight to Egypt]
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