Thursday, October 15, 2009

Daily Readings October 18 - 24, 2009

Daily Lectionary

October 18 (St Luke) Deuteronomy 17:1–20; Matthew 14:1–21
October 19 Deuteronomy 18:1–22; Matthew 14:22–36
October 20 Deuteronomy 19:1–20; Matthew 15:1–20
October 21 Deuteronomy 20:1–20; Matthew 15:21–39
October 22 Deuteronomy 21:1–23; Matthew 16:1–12
October 23 Deuteronomy 24:10—25:10; Matthew 16:13–28
October 24 Deuteronomy 25:17—26:19; Matthew 17:1–13
The Twentieth Sunday After Trinity
The Holy Spirit sounds forth the Gospel call: “See, I have prepared my dinner . . . Come to the wedding” (Matthew 22:1–14). But many reject this invitation in favor of worldly pursuits. And so the call goes out to others, both the good and the bad. For the wedding invitation is not based on the qualifications of those invited but on the basis of the merits and work of Christ. The feast is free: “You who have no money, come, buy and eat . . . Let your soul delight itself in abundance” (Isaiah 55:1–9). Those rejecting the Spirit’s work shall experience God’s wrath and judgment. Those who are not clothed in Christ’s righteousness shall be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Let us therefore seek the Lord while He may be found, for He will have mercy upon us. Let us redeem the time, being filled with the Spirit, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:15–21).

Grant, we implore You, merciful Lord, to Your faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins and serve You with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Old Testament: Isaiah 55:1–9
Epistle: Ephesians 5:15–21
Holy Gospel: Matthew 22:1–14

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