Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Daily Bible Readings October 7-13, 2012

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
32946 Route 4

Girard, IL 62640
Pastor Keith GeRue
Office: (217) 965 – 4816
Cell: (217) 725 – 8137
“Tender Evangelical Loving Care
The Eighteenth  Sunday After Trinity October 6–7, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012                           Worship Service 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, October 7, 2012          Sunday School & Bible Class 9:00 a.m.
Sunday, October 7, 2012                            Worship Service 10:00 a.m.

SUNDAY’S DIVINE SERVICE– JESUS IS THE FULLFILLER OF THE LAW The Pharisees ask a Law question. Jesus asks a Gospel question. The Pharisees seek to trap Jesus in His own words. Jesus seeks to “trap” them in the saving reality of who He is as the Messiah (Matthew 22:34–46). The Law requires you to “fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul” and to “love the stranger” (Deuteronomy 10:12–21). Failure to keep the Law perfectly brings judgment. On the other hand, the Gospel brings the grace of God given by Jesus Christ, that you may be blameless in the day of His return (1 Corinthians 1:1–9). Jesus is David’s Son yet David’s Lord, true God and true man. He is Love incarnate who fulfilled all the demands of God’s Law on our behalf, that we might be saved from the Law’s condemnation and sanctified in the Gospel’s forgiveness. Thereby we see that “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” — Lutheran Service Book Notes

·         October is LWML Month
·         During October our LWML will have a door collection for mites.
·         Midstate Fall Rally October 7, 5:30p.m. Zion Lutheran Church, 1301 N.  State St., Litchfield.  Speaker will be Diane Grebing. See bulletin board.
Coffee Break Bible Study
Coffee Break Bible Study meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 for a lively discussion. Today, we will begin our Study on Lutheranism 101.

Please Pray For: Joe Worth, Elena Howarth, Emily Rodenbeck, Phyllis McElroy, Dorothy Robison, George Van Huss, Crystal Ray, Ruth Hedrick, Walt Hedrick, Erna Van Winkle, Mary Kay Schmidt, Dorothy Schroll, Kathy Schmidt, John Haynes, Bill Uchtman, Colin Starks, George Shepherd, and Katie Ketchum.
Military: Please keep in your prayers all Military persons.

Hospitalizations: Please notify Pastor GeRue about any sickness or hospitalizations.

Happy Birthday This Week: Erin Miller
Happy Anniversary: None

LUTHERAN HOUR "Proper Perspective"
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus
Why did Jesus say the kingdom of heaven belongs to the likes of children? Pastor Ken Klaus thinks he may have discovered the answer.
(Mark 10: 13-16)
WLUJ              Springfield, IL    89.7 FM                  Sunday 3:00 pm
WLLM             Lincoln, IL          1370 AM Sunday 7:00 am & 7:00 pm
WSMI              Litchfield            1540 AM                Sunday 9:30 pm

Lutherans for Life – www.lutheransforlife.org
         Life Thought: In God’s perfect world, one thing remained “not good.” “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). God created a perfect woman for His perfect man. Then He ordained the perfect cornerstone upon which to build and promulgate civilization—marriage between man and woman. So perfect an institution that God uses it to picture Christ’s relationship to His Church (Ephesians 5:32). Those who redefine marriage not only erode this cornerstone, they defame this picture.
        Life Quote: “How can we speak of the termination of a pregnancy when what we really mean is the destruction of a human life? How can we talk of therapeutic abortion when pregnancy is not a disease needing therapy and what abortion effects is not a cure but a killing? How can we talk of abortion as a kind of retroactive contraception when what it does is not prevent conception but destroy the conceptus? We need to have the courage to use accurate language. Abortion is feticide: the destruction of an unborn child. It is the shedding of innocent blood, and any society that can tolerate this, let alone legislate for it, has ceased to be civilized.” John Stott, English Christian leader and Anglican cleric

Readings for the Week of 18th Sunday after Trinity
Oct 7              Jeremiah 42:1-44:23,2 Timothy 2:1-21,Psalms 92:1-93:5
Oct 8          Jeremiah 44:24-47:7, 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17, Psalms 94:1-23
Oct 9          Jeremiah 48:1-49:22, 2 Timothy 4:1-22, Psalms 95:1-96:13
Oct 10                Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalms 97:1-98:9
Oct 11                            Jeremiah 51:1-53, Titus 2:1-15, Psalms 99:1-9
Oct 12                   Jeremiah 51:54-52:34, Titus 3:1-15, Psalms 100:1-5
Oct 13                                    Looking Forward to Reformation Sunday
                            Genesis 28:10-17; Ephesians 4:22-28; Matthew 9:1-8

Saturday, October 6           5:30 pm                                 Divine Service
Sunday, October 7             9:00 am                                       Bible Class
                                          10:00 am                               Divine Service
                                          5;30 pm         LWML Zone Rally, Litchfield
Monday, October 8                                                          Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 9           10:26 am                                                      Lutheran High Chapel
                                          4;00 pm          Unity Finance Board Meeting
Wednesday, October 10    5:30 pm                                   Confirmation
                                          7:30 pm                                                   AA
Friday, October 12                                                   Pastor’s Family Day
Saturday, October 13         5:30 pm                                 Divine Service
Hayride, Bonfire and hot dog roast
On Sunday, October 28th, we will have a Bonfire, Hot Dog Roast, Hay Ride, and more.
Where: David and Debbi Ray Farm 12958 Leadline  Road,  Auburn,
When: October 28, 4:00pm – whenever
Bring: yourself, your family and friends and a dish to pass.

Genesis 28:10–17, Ephesians 4:22–28, Matthew 9:1–8
Jesus’ Incarnation Secures for Us Life, Forgiveness, and Healing

The Lord does not require us to ascend to Him; in mercy He descends to us (Genesis 28:10–17). The ladder in Jacob’s dream was not for climbing; it was the means by which the Lord came to bless Jacob. This event finds its fulfillment in Christ who descended from His throne to save and bless us. By His incarnation He is the eternal bridge between heaven and earth. “The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Matthew 9:1–8). The Lord was present in the flesh to absolve the paralytic. Jesus also healed and restored this man’s body. “For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation” (Small Catechism). The Lord still has power on earth to forgive sins. In holy absolution He raises up the new man (Ephesians 4:22–28) and bestows the healing medicine which will bring about our resurrection on the Last Day. Thus we say with Jacob, “This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!” (Genesis 28:17)

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